Myofascial Release Therapy is meant to help clients return to a pain free, active lifestyle. The John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release Approach® is gentle, safe and effective. Lasting results are achieved when the entire Myofascial mind/body complex receives therapy. Myofascial Release Therapy consists of a hands-on administration of pressure on skin without machinery or lubrication. The MFR therapist will find restrictions and hold light, constant pressure on skin with hands until fascia releases.
Challenges such as backaches and pain, constipation, sluggish bowels, menstrual pains, indigestion, postural and other body restrictions are alleviated with Myofascial Release Therapy and other benefits include:
- Anti-aging
- Body Strengthening
- Decreased muscle soreness
- Increased athletic/sex performance
- Postural improvement
- Reducing risk of injury
- Stress reduction
- And much more
MFR Therapy
Relax contracted muscles and tissue, relieve stagnation, and improve lymphatic flow and blood circulation. Achieve wellness within your fascia system and relieve restrictions with a John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release Approach® MFR Practitioner.
MFR Therapy:
Single Session and Program available. ($60-$684)